Find Somewhere New to Write Every Now and Again

2015-08-12 17.23.10

I am a firm believer that getting up and moving can change how you write. I have a preference, when I’m switching up where I’m writing I will tend to go for outside.

Of course I have been known to go and get a Chocolate Crème and sit in Starbucks with my laptop. But outside is where I truly get inspired. I was lucky for it to happen twice whilst I was away this week. We went to the South of England and visited some coastal towns; one of which was the Gay Capital of Britain, Brighton. It was beyond words. There was just something in the air that gave us all a sense of belonging, of acceptance.

I worked on my Days of Drabbles, which should hopefully come out later this year. I was banned from creating new characters because of my 11+ WIPs. but it still happened (more on that in another post).

But the point of this post is; shake it up a bit, go find some place new, take your notepad and a pen (because nothing is better than WRITING in a notepad WITH a pen), don’t care about the mistakes, don’t care about the handwriting. Be inspired.


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Filed under Books

One response to “Find Somewhere New to Write Every Now and Again

  1. Love everything about this. Writing in a multitude of locations is so beneficial to cultivating voice. Thanks so much for sharing!

    If you’re ever interested in some other great literary musings or book reviews, be sure to follow! Thanks!

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